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Sharepoint 365 Online nicht unterstützte Funktionen


V7/V8 Backup server

Fehler Meldung and Libraries/D904_Social". Reason="List template "UNKNOWN - 550 and Libraries/D904_SitePages". Reason="List template "WEB_PAGE_LIBRARY - 119 Skip listing from path " and Libraries/D904_ImagesLinkedIn". Reason="List template "PICTURE_LIBRARY - 109" is not supported."


A backup is made of a function that is not yet supported.

Not yet supported in
Sharepoint 365 Online



Until support is added in the client/server for the functionality, the option will have to be unchecked
This can be done by going to the source selection and unchecking the check boxes.

Pay attention to which accounts/paths are mentioned in the error message
  1. Login to the backup server
  2. Go to User
  3. Go to the backup sets
  4. Open the Office365 set settings
  5. Go to the source selection
  6. Click on "I would like to choose the items to backup"
  7. For the personal collections:
    1. Go to Users
    2. Repeat these steps for each user named in the error messages:
      1. Open the user with the + in front of the account
      2. Click on the + for the Personal Site
      3. Uncheck List and Libraries so that the checkbox is white
      4. Now only check the subitems again so that the box for List and libraries is gray (Form templates, Style library)
  8. For the site collections
    1. Go to the site collections
    2. Repeat these steps for each site collection that is included in the error messages:
      1. Open the site collections with the + in front
      2. Uncheck List and Libraries so that the checkbox is white
      3. Now only check the subitems again so that the box for List and libraries is gray (Form templates, Documents, ....)
  9. Click on the check mark at the bottom right
  10. Click on the floppy right at the bottom to save the settings
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